About the Justin

The Justin Doth rock. He takes many photographies. And he draws cool pictures. He looks stuff up online like the Sean (but not like the Natalie). He goes with us to fairs and parks and stuff for fun. He is a good conversator about ALLLL types of stuff. He looks funny when he drives because his legs are long and his car is small. Like a Daddy Long Legs spider would look if it had to try to build a web in... uhhm... someplace really small or something. Like the eye of a needle. But bigger. Also, Justin likes Spongebob.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Church of Skippy

Why Justin should start a church.

Lot's of people would go to listen to his wisdom. I think that it would be a good mix of teachings from moral giants like Pink Floyd and the writers of 30 Rock.

People would show up in pajamas with prints of their favorite cartoon characters. Justin would probably format it something like spongebob. So, instead of being called pastor or something like that, he would be called Spongebub Justin (spongebob is already taken). The service would start in the afternoon, and joining the church would give you a free membership to hulu.

After everyone had arrived, it would open with everyone singing a hymn written by the Beatles. Then non-members would have a short word from our sponsors, and members would be able to skip straight to the opening thoughts. A prayer would be offered by the Associate Spongebub, who would then offer a recount of what had taken place in the episodes of The Office and Lost from that week. Then The Spongebub Justin would arise and recite the great and immortal lessons learned from things like the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. After he had finished, there would be a short clip from spongebub and the weekly eating of the popcorn. Then everyone would get together afterwards for ice cream and a look at Spongebub Justin's latest art. It would be AWESOME! (I would go). :)

This analysis of current trends and opinions has been brought to you by:
The Sean - always one step ahead of the everybody else.

Intro to Justinianicity 101

Hey everybody :) So, Justin (aka Skippy) is mah cousin, and me and my boyfriend are makin this blog in honor of him and his coolness cause he deserves it! Skippy is more than my couz. He is my roommate and friend and I'm glad I am getting to share my money, food, and boyfriend with him. ;] Hahahaha. [clears throat].
So anyways...
Justinianicity 101:
Him like long walks on the beach, poetry readings, and poking dead things with a stick.
He also like anything hippie or artsy-fartsy, and rocky road. So he's pretty legit :) Wanna know more? Tune in for de next post then! Ha.

-Natarax, Inc.


This blog be dedicated to our skippy. Not everyone has a Justin, but we do, an we gunna flaunt 'im like he's goin outa style (he isn't goin out of style - just fyi - that's just how we gunna flaunt him). To start off with, here is a video that reminds all of us of the beloved Skippy.

Skippy-ness Forever!

Also - This has nothing to do with that video - but this comic is also very Justi the Busti esque...

Skippy-ness Forever! (version 1.2)

That's all for now folks. So if you see the Justin, please give him a nice ol' face five of fun to share our appreciation!